The aim of forestlearning.edu.au is to serve school teachers and educators, children, and the public with information on Australian forests and forest-based products, and provision and access to forestry teaching resources. It is further supported by links to key government, industry organisations and educational service providers.
The site has been built and maintained by a network of forest educators and forestry communication specialists from organisations across Australia known as the Australian Forest Education Alliance (AFEA) and includes members from:
- Australian Forest Products Association
- Forestry Corporation of New South Wales
- Forest Education Foundation, Tasmania
- Forest Products Commission, Western Australia
- Forest and Wood Products Australia Limited
- Primary Industries and Regions, South Australia
- Sustainable Forestry Program, Southern Cross University, NSW
- VicForests, Victoria
The group collaborates with the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) to ensure that the resources provided here fit within the national school’s curriculum and support delivery through state and territory school syllabi. All resources on the site have been mapped to the Australian Curriculum in 2014.
All teaching resources are provided free of charge and for teachers to integrate forest education into their teaching programs across a range of key learning areas linked to national and state curriculum’s including science, technology, history, geography and mathematics.
Special thanks to the children who appear in the photographs in particular Innaburra High School, North Ryde Public School and School of Environmental Science and Management, Southern Cross University.
To contact AFEA and ForestLearning email beth@forestlearning.edu.au.
Partner Profiles
Forest Education Foundation

The Forest Education Foundation (FEF) is a not‐for‐profit educational institution, staffed by qualified and experienced teachers. The FEF has been providing a range of teaching resources and learning experiences for students and teachers (K-12) across the state for over 20 years. Find out more here.

Forestry Corporation of NSW

Forestry Corporation of NSW is a public trading enterprise within NSW Department of Primary Industries. Find out more here.

Forest Products Commission Western Australia

FPC WA was established in 2000 with responsibility for developing marketing and renewing Western Australia’s timber resources. FPC operates as a commercial business but also provides advice to and develops policy for government on issues relating to forest management, products and services. Find out more here.

Forest and Wood Products Australia

Forest and Wood Products Australia (FWPA) is a not for profit company that provides a national, integrated research and development focus for the Australian forest and wood products industry. Find out more here.

Australian Forest Products Association (AFPA)

The Australian Forest Products Association (AFPA) is the peak industry association for the forest products industry. Find out more here.

PIRSA Forestry

PIRSA Forestry is a division of the Department of Primary Industries and Resources SA responsible for the development and implementation of forest policy in South Australia. Find out more here.

Sustainable Forestry Program, Southern Cross University

The Sustainable Forestry Program at Southern Cross University plays a crucial role in forestry education in Australia. Find out more here.


VicForests is a Victorian State-owned business responsible for the sustainable harvest, regeneration and commercial sale of timber from Victoria’s public forests on behalf of the Victorian Government. Find out more here.