The websites listed here will give you more information about Australian forests, their management and the forest and wood products industry as well as additional resources and information you may need. If you have a site you think should be included, please email us.
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Australian Forest and Wood Products Statistics (ABARES)
ABARES publishes comprehensive datasets relating to Australia's forestry sector in its biannual Australian Forest and Wood Products Statistics report, including time series of data on forest and wood products resources, production, consumption, trade and employment.
Australian Forest and Wood Products Statistics publications are available at: Australian forest and wood products statistics. Archived editions are available via ABARES publication library.
View WebsiteAustralian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment
This Australian Government site has links to wide range of information about the forest industry, including current research and policy initiatives, international and domestic issues, a Forestlinks newsletter and detailed publications and reports. And includes the latest edition of the Australia's State of Forests Report 2018, Australia's Forests at a Glance 2019 and Australia's forests and forestry glossary.and Australian Forest Profiles of major forest types in Australia. They have also produced a range of multimedia videos on Australia's forests and careres in forestry found at Australian Forestry - Planning for tomorrow, today website
View WebsiteForest Products Commission WA
The Forest Products Commission (FPC) is a Government trading enterprise established to develop and market Western Australia's renewable timber resources. Here you will find a wealth of information on forest types, products and services, farm forestry and environmental benefits of forestry: these include role in protecting air quality, providing a renewable resource for building material, and rehabilitating degraded soils. Resources are available for teachers including posters, fact sheets, videos and books.
View WebsiteForestry Corporation NSW
Forestry Corporation of NSW is the largest manager of commercial native and plantation forests in NSW. Managing more than two million hectares of forests for the economic, environmental and social benefit of the people of NSW and Australia, Forestry Corporation adheres to the values of safety first, balance, accountability, trust and innovation. We are a major force in the state's timber industry which contributes nearly $1 billion to the NSW economy annually.
Forestry Corporation of NSW came into being on 1 January 2013 when Forests NSW was corporatised. As a state owned corporation we are publicly owned and under the direction of a skilled commercial board. Forestry Corporation focuses on its core business of growing and harvesting timber to meet the community's needs for hardwood and softwood products while ensuring the environment is protected and the forests offer recreation opportunities for the people of New South Wales.
View WebsiteForestry SA
ForestrySA is committed to responsible environmental management of plantation and native forests within South Ausralia. Its Forest Management System is certified to the internationally recognised Australian Forestry Standard for Sustainable Forest Management (AS 4708), administered by Responsible Wood. The Mount Lofty Ranges and Green Triangle forests are certified to this standard.
ForestrySA’s sustainable forest management program involves the management of 10,500ha of plantation pine in the Mount Lofty Ranges. As a plantation manager, ForestrySA’s focus is the production of log which our customers convert into a range of structural and non-structural timber products. Most timber is sold to regional domestic markets, with some exported according to quality and demand.
ForestrySA is also responsible for more than 16,000ha of native forest located within South Australia’s Mount Lofty Ranges and Green Triangle regions. These forests are managed and protected for conservation purposes.
All plantation and native forest areas under ForestrySA management are widely used and valued by the community for recreation.
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Plantation Information Network
This site provides details and maps for plantation wood supply zones across Australia. A database of registered plantations by type, species, and type of ownership and year of planting is available.
View WebsitePrimary Industries and Resources SA (PIRSA)
This site provides information related to the management of plantation forests in South Australia including overviews of PIRSA Forestry's current programs and resources such as industry guidelines, fact sheets and educational materials. Technical information is provided for farm forestry relevant to specific regions.
View WebsiteQueensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
This Queensland state government organisation aims to accelerate the growth of Queensland´s emerging tropical and subtropical plantation sector by delivering products and services that increase productivity, promote the development of new plantations and boost the value of forestry products. Comprehensive reports and forests profiles are accessible. Useful information on pests and diseases in trees is provided.
View WebsiteSA Government Department Primary Industries and Regions - Forestry
The Department of Primary Industries and Regions (PIRSA) Forestry division enables the growth of South Australia’s forestry and wood products industries. They work with businesses and the community to promote the future of the forestry and wood products industry in South Australia and seeks new opportunities for development.
Working together our aim is to increase the economic value of the forest and wood products industry, strengthen the industry’s contribution to the community, enhance the industry’s contribution to the environment.
View WebsiteSustainable Timber Tasmania
Sustainable Timber Tasmania is a Tasmanian Government Business Enterprise. They manage approximately 812,000 hectares of public production forest in sustainable ways. These forests are called Permanent Timber Production Zone land. Their people work in a variety of areas across Tasmania, including: certification, communications, stakeholder engagement, conservation, finance and administration, firefighting, forest health, geographic information systems, harvesting, information technology, land management, natural capital, people and culture, planning, project management, regeneration, research, work health and safety. Information about these forests and the people working to manage them are all accessible via their website.
View WebsiteVicForests
A Victorian State Government enterprise, VicForests aim to build a responsible business that generates the best community value from the commercial management of Victoria's State forests. The Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) are the managers of Victorias 3.4 million hectares of public forests for a variety of uses, including recreation, conservation of flora and fauna, provision of timber through sustainable harvest, protection of water catchments and supply and preserving visual landscapes and archaeological and historical sites.
View WebsiteWA Department of Parks and Wildlife
Information is presented about forests and forestry in WA. Details on fauna species and biodiversity protection strategies applicable to WA can be found. Useful regional management and harvest plans are accessible, supported by maps.
View WebsiteIndustry Organisations
Australian Forest Products Association (AFPA)
A national body that provides a voice for Australia’s forest and paper industry. AFPA is committed to ensuring forestry has strong representation in political and public engagement to ensure this vital industry is supported in order to achieve the best possible outcome from forestry for Australia's economy and the environment. It is a vital site for accessing media reports on forestry related issues.
View WebsiteForest and Wood Products Australia
Forest and Wood Products Australia Ltd (FWPA) is the industry’s not-for-profit services company that provides research and development, knowledge dissemination and generic industry promotion. Recent research reports and media releases are available for download.
View WebsiteForest Industries Association Tasmania
The Forest Industries Association of Tasmania represents the interest of processors of Tasmanian forest products. FIAT's role is characterised by helping create the right external environment for industry to operate within. This has two main dimensions - the policy environment and the public image of the industry in the eyes of the community.
View WebsiteForest Industries Federation WA
Forest industries Federation of WA aims to raise awareness and encourage learning about the management and use of Western Australia’s south-west native forests and softwood and hardwood plantations.
View WebsiteForestry Australia
Formerly the Institute of Foresters of Australia and Australian Forest Growers Association, Forestry Australia is a professional association with approximately 1,000 members. Their members are forest scientists, professionals, managers and growers operating in all aspects of forest and natural resource management throughout Australia.
Forestry Australia advocates for and provides professional development to ensure balanced, integrated forested land use, as well as sustainable management that meets community and environmental needs.They have always aimed to advance and protect the cause of forestry and promote professional standards and ethical forest practice, as well as produce educational, marketing and other materials.
View WebsiteNSW Forest Products Association
The NSW Forest Products Association is the representative organisation of the forest and forest products industry in NSW. FPA principally exists to represent the NSW hardwood timber industry at parliamentary, political and senior Government levels. It also provides advice and assistance to branches on resource and market development as well as supplying factual forest management information to the community as required.
View WebsiteSouth Australian Forest Products Association
SAFPA represents all elements of the forest and wood products value chain from the sustainable establishment and management of plantations, harvesting and haulage, processing of timber resources and manufacture of products and bioproducts.
SAFPA is a policy development, lobbying and advocacy organisation for their members interests. They collaborate strongly with other industry bodies to ensure the best outcomes for the industry generally and their members more specifically. Their charter provides autonomy to manage state issues and they cooperate with AFPA on any issue that transcends state borders and has national implications.
View WebsiteTamanian Forest Products Association
TFPA represents all elements of the value chain in Tasmania for forest and wood products from the sustainable harvesting of plantations and multiple use natural forest resource including forest establishment and management, harvesting and haulage, processing of timber resources and manufacture of pulp, paper and bioproducts.
TFPA is a policy development, lobbying and advocacy organisation for their members interests. They collaborate strongly with other industry bodies to ensure the best outcomes for the industry generally and their members more specifically. Their charter provides autonomy to manage state issues and they cooperate with AFPA on any issue that transcends state borders and has national implications.
View WebsiteTimber Merchants Association
Timber Merchants Association is a Victoria based organisation that works in conjunction with a number of industry bodies in representing the industry to government on such issues as Chain of custody and Certification for timber, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Green Star building regulations as part of the wider communities concern with sustainable timber products and building practices.
View WebsiteTimber Preservers Association of Australia (TPAA)
TPAA represents the nation's timber preservation industry. It is an organisation comprising timber treaters, suppliers of preservatives, research organisations, and individuals and bodies having an interest in the use of preservative-treated timber. The TPAA promotes a knowledge of the principles and methods of timber preservation within the industry, assists in the establishment and adherence to Standards for the treatment of timber, and promotes best practice in the production of treated timber.
View WebsiteTimber Queensland
Timber Queensland is the peak industry body in Queensland that provides a unified voice to participate in developing a whole-of-industry position on issues which impact members. The organisation is committed to creating greater public and political awareness of the forest and timber industries, and the valuable economic and environmental contribution they make to Queensland.
View WebsiteVictoria Forest Products Association
The Victorian Forest Products Association is the peak industry body of the value chain from the sustainable harvesting of plantations and multiple use natural forest resource including forest establishment and management, harvesting and haulage, processing of timber resources and manufacture of pulp, paper and bioproducts.
VFPA is a policy development and advocacy group which represents the interests of Victoria’s sustainable forestry. They collaborate strongly with other industry bodies to ensure the best outcomes for forestry generally and their members more specifically. Their charter provides autonomy to manage state issues and they cooperate with AFPA on any issue that transcends state borders and has national implications.
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Wood Products Victoria
Wood Products Victoria (WPV) aims to develop, promote and protect the use of sustainable timber and wood products for ensuring timber products are used as the most suitable materials.
View WebsiteIndustry Standards
Forest Stewardship Council
FSC is an independent, non-governmental, not-for-profit organisation established to promote the responsible management of the world’s forests. FSC certification is a voluntary, market-based tool that supports responsible forest management worldwide. The FSC label ensures that the forest products used are from responsibly harvested and verified sources.
View WebsiteProgramme for Endorsement of Forest Certification
PEFC, the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification, is a leading global alliance of national forest certification systems. As an international non-profit, non-governmental organization, they are dedicated to promoting sustainable forest management through independent third-party certification.
What we do and why - They endorse national forest certification systems, including Australia's Responsible Wood, developed through multi-stakeholder processes and tailored to local priorities and conditions. They believe that forest certification needs to be local; this is why they choose to work with national organizations to advance responsible forestry. Forest certification is at their core. They provide forest owners, from the large to the small, with a tool to demonstrate their responsible practices, while empowering consumers and companies to buy sustainably.
Responsible Wood
At Responsible Wood, they care for forests globally and locally. They work to protect our forests by promoting sustainable forest management through certification. This means we can all benefit from the many products that forests provide now, while ensuring these forests will be around for generations to come.
Responsible Wood are committed to protecting and promoting Australia’s unique environments with standards that ensure a forest industry that is environmentally, socially, culturally and commercially sustainable. They pioneered the development of certification standards for wood and wood products sourced from sustainably managed forests in Australia. Their standards provide guidance and accountability for forest managers, manufacturers and suppliers.
Responsible Wood, is a not-for-profit standards development organisations [formerly known as Australian Forestry Standard Ltd].
AFS Ltd is the Australian member of the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) and the AFCS is one of thirty national forest certification schemes endorsed by the PEFC.
View WebsiteCareers & Training
ForestWorks facilitates learning and skill development in the forest, wood, paper and timber industry through proactive engagement with Government, industry associations, enterprises, unions and individuals. Support for training providers is available, as is assistance with strategic skills planning and project management.
View WebsiteGrowing Careers
Growing Careers is a one-stop portal for all careers, education and training information within the forest and wood products industry. Direct links to vocational and university courses are available, as well as information on training scholarships. Check out video case studies and employer profiles and much more.
View WebsiteTABMA Workforce & Career Development Pty Ltd
TABMA Workforce and Career Development Pty Ltd has been operating from 1987 as an approved and accredited Group Training Employer for Traineeship and Apprenticeship Schemes. Ongoing monitoring and support is provided to host employees.
View WebsiteOther
International Forestry Students Association
An international educational association for students of forest sciences. This association encourages students to network with students from other countries, share ideas and experiences to strengthen the international voice of forestry and promote cultural understanding. This association helps provide valuable feedback for strengthening forestry education programs and adapting to needs of a dynamic industry.
View WebsiteMake It Wood
Planet Ark’s Make It Wood – Do Your World Some Good site aims to encourage the increased use of responsibly sourced wood as a building material. When sourced responsibly, wood can play a big part in helping tackle climate change. This is because wood is a low carbon option for building – when used in long-lived applications it stores carbon for the long-term, it is renewable and it has a lower embodied energy than many other building materials such as concrete, steel or plastics.
View WebsiteNational Carpenters Day
A celebration of carpenters and their work and a recognition of their contribution to our community since 1788. In 2009, National Carpenters Day was Australia’s first occasion to recognise the contribution hard working carpenters made to our lives, and celebrations continues as an annual event.
View WebsiteScience and Innovation Awards for Young People in Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
These awards aim to encourage people between the ages of 18 and 35 years to use science, technology and innovation to advance the future of agriculture, fisheries, forestry, food and natural resource management industries.
View WebsiteTasmanian Timber
For information on products, applications and uses of Tasmanian timber. Wood properties and visual samples are provided for major tree species.
View WebsiteThe Foundation for Australian Agricultural Women (FAAW)
FAAW is a national, independent, non-profit organisation whose mission is to enable women, living and working in rural communities in Australia, access to leadership training and experience.
View WebsiteThe Gottstein Trust
The Trust provides financial support to people employed in the industry who wish to further their education, develop new skills and continue contributing to the Australian forest products industry through their professional development.
View WebsiteWood. Naturally Better.™
Wood. Naturally Better.™ is a program designed to help professionals and consumers understand how they can play a part in tackling climate change by using one of the most natural materials – wood. This site contains an overview of the industry, information about wood, using wood and its environmental benefits.
View WebsiteWoodSolutions
WoodSolutions is an industry initiative designed to provide information on timber and timber products to professionals and companies involved in building design and construction. Resourced by Forest & Wood Products Australia (FWPA), WoodSolutions is a collaborative effort between FWPA members and levy payers, supported by industry peak bodies and technical associations.
View WebsiteEducation Resources
Primary Industries Education Foundation of Australia
PIEFA is a partnership between government, industry and educators formed to help to encourage school students to learn about primary industries including agriculture and forestry. Networking, support and professional development are ongoing concerns available to teachers. In particular, this organisation will be assisting primary industries teachers adapt to curriculum changes in the national schools curriculum.
View WebsitePrimezone
Primezone provides teachers with single-point access to a range of primary industries education resources. This website is an initiative of the Primary Industries Education Foundation.
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