ForestLearning manages social media accounts on FaceBook and LinkedIn. This policy relates to our behaviour in relation to their management.
If you follow, like or subscribe to Forest Learning’s social media channels, you can expect:
- Alerts about new content on our other digital channels (news, publications, videos on YouTube, etc.)
- Invitations to provide feedback on specific issues
- Information about our activities
- Photos and video from events and activities we organise or attend
- Shares or forwards of material we like.
We will do our best to update and monitor our social media accounts during office hours, Monday to Friday.
@Replies and Direct Messages
We welcome feedback and ideas from all our followers, and endeavour to join the conversation where possible. However, we are not always able to reply individually to all the messages we receive via social media channels.
We read all @replies and Direct Messages and ensure that any emerging themes or helpful suggestions are passed to the relevant people at ForestLearning or Forest and Wood Products Australia Ltd (FWPA).
Robust debate and critical feedback are welcome on all social media channels related to ForestLearning. However, any posts, comments or other content that contains either abusive or offensive language, images or other material deemed unsuitable will be deleted and the poster banned.
Please contact us if you would like any more information.