News & Events

More George the Farmer Virtual Classrooms in Term 4!

03 November 2023

VC promoAfter tree-mendous attendance by schools to our Virtual Classrooms in 2021, ForestLearning has again partnered with Kimberlin Education and our friends at George the Farmer to host more virtual classrooms in 2022! Hosted by a qualified teacher, these 30-minute, curriculum virtual classrooms provide an immersive and engaging introduction to concepts like where wood ForestLearning’s Virtual Classrooms with Kimberlin Education are back.

Already in 2022, students and teachers have participated in two successful virtual George the Farmer classroom sessions that streamed out to over 52 schools and 1200 students around Australia.

GTF VCThe sessions taught students about where our wood comes from, how trees can help save the world, and George the Farmer and Expert Forester Greg showed us all how to plant a tree for National Schools Tree Day. Forester Greg shared that students can be just like foresters around Australia who are Australia’s biggest tree planters planting over 70 million seedlings a year by hand!

More Virtual Classrooms sessions are still available! Register your class or homeschool students now for the upcoming Term 4 sessions on Tuesday 25 October 20220: 11:30am and 2pm (EDST).

The first 30 schools to register and attend the Virtual Classroom receive a free classroom extension pack, which includes a class set of Tree Carbon Storage Tape Measures and a Biodiversity Planting Kit for their class. All schools who attend the Virtual Classroom will receive a ForestLearning teachers’ pack.

You can find registration details at the Kimberly Education Teacher website:

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