Forest Landscapes of the World – Photos
Lesson Overview:
Forests are found all around the world but they are not all the same. Explore three forests from around the world in photos below
1. Tropcial rainforest – Borneo, Indonesia
2. Taiga (Boreal) forest – Alaska, North America
3. Temperate deciduous forest – Slovenia, Europe
Activity ideas:
- Look at the forest types around the world and discuss their different features.
- Choose one forest type and suggest two adaptations this forest has for growing in its environment.
Tropical rainforest – Borneo, Indonesia
Taiga (Boreal) forest – Alaska, North America
Temperature deciduous forest – Slovenia, Europe
In Australia, most deciduous trees, such as the red cedar (Toona ciliata), white cedar (Melia azedarach) and boab (Adansonia gregorii), live in tropical or subtropical regions, where they lose some or all of their leaves in preparation for the dry season. This is different to the only temperate deciduous tree, the deciduous beech or Fagus (Nothofagus gunnii) in Tasmania, which puts on a stunning autumn display before dropping all its leaves in anticipation of cold winter weather.
(Source: ABC Science, 2016)
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