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School and Industry Champion Toolkit for School Activities

Lesson Overview:

The ForestLearning Industry Champion toolkit provides F-12 teachers and forest and wood product industry champions with resources and how-to guides to assist in school and industry activities such as excursions and incursions.

The toolkit includes:

  • Industry Education Champion How-to Guides to more effectively engage with primary and high schools
  • Primary and Secondary Teacher How-to Guides to more effectively engage with industry education champion volunteers
  • Preparation checklists and tips/tricks for industry education champions to use in lead up to schools activities and presentations
  • Evaluation tools for Teachers and Industry Education Champions to use following an activity

For further information or enquiries please email ForestLearning to learn more!


FL Industry champions flyer industry clipped

Do you work in forestry or wood products and can spare 1 hour to 1 day a year to help schools?

Sign up HERE to become a ForestLearning Industry Education Champion!

Year Level/s:

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Curriculum Connections:

ScOT Catalogue Terms:



Resource Type/s:


School and Industry Champion Toolkit for School Activities

teacher Resource

Secondary Teacher Guide - ForestLearning Industry Champion Activity

This Teacher Guide aims to provide you as a secondary teacher with potential learning objectives, Australian Curriculum links and a preparation checklist to help you plan an activity with a Forest Industry Education Champion.

File Size: 1.73 MB

File Type: pdf


teacher Resource

Teacher Evaluation - Forest and Wood Industry Education Champion Activity

An evaluation tool to provide us with your feedback on your Forest and Wood industry education champion activity.Your feedback will help your Champion, as well as encourage new Industry Champions to engage with more schools around Australia.

File Size: 60.41 KB

File Type: pdf


teacher Resource

Industry Guide for Primary Schools

This document aims to support ForestLearning’s Forest and Wood Product Industry Champions to engage with primary schools. It outlines themes in forestry and wood that students are learning across different year levels, and offers a non-prescriptive program outline to assist industry champions to present to primary students, or host an excursion.

File Size: 2.74 MB

File Type: pdf


teacher Resource

Industry Guide for Secondary Schools

This document aims to support ForestLearning’s Forest and Wood Product Industry Champions to engage with secondary schools. It outlines key forest and wood themes that link to the Australian Curriculum across different year levels, and offers a non-prescriptive program outline to assist industry champions to present to secondary students, or host an excursion.

File Size: 1.76 MB

File Type: pdf


teacher Resource

Primary Teacher Guide - ForestLearning Industry Champion Activity

This Teacher Guide aims to provide you as a primary teacher with potential learning objectives, Australian Curriculum links and a preparation checklist to help you plan an activity with a Forest and Wood Product Industry Education Champion.

File Size: 2.96 MB

File Type: pdf


teacher Resource

Industry Preparation for a School Activity Guide

This industry guide outlines some preparation steps you can consider as a Forest and Wood product Industry Champion before, during and following a school activity. Preparation checklists and an outline of Tips and Tricks for Engaging Students is outlined.

File Size: 2.30 MB

File Type: pdf


teacher Resource

Industry Champion - Reflection Tool

This tool is for Industry Education Champions following a school activity. Information from your responses will help ForestLearning to capture useful activity reflections to assist other champions wishing to start similar activities in their region.

File Size: 61.35 KB

File Type: pdf


Forest Learning Survey