The Endangered Swift Parrot
Lesson Overview:
Students will learn about Australia’s native forests, the Endangered Swift Parrot, their role as a pollinator (for blue and black gum trees) and the importance of protecting them.
Students will:
- Understand the importance of forests to the survival of the Swift Parrot
- Describe the features and habits of the Swift Parrot
- Undertake internet research
- Develop drawing and creative writing skills
There are 5 activities to select from in this lesson. You may choose to undertake all of the activities, or alternately, choose those relevant to the objectives you want to achieve.
ABC Education has released a new book reading “Swifty – The Super-Fast Parrot” that could be viewed as an extension to Activity 1. Watch the book reading as a whole class activity or use as a homework task.
This lesson could be used in conjunction with the Bees and Forests lesson, to compare the roles that bees and the parrots have in pollination of eucalypt trees.
Related Resources:
Bees and Forests
In this bee teaching resource students will learn about the importance of forests to honey bees and the production of honey and how bees help plants to reproduce.
Bees and ForestsYear Level/s:
Key Curriculum Areas / Subject:
National Curriculum Codes:
Strand Content Description:
General Capabilities:
Cross Curriculum Priorities:
Curriculum Connections:
ScOT Catalogue Terms:
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