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Virtual Classroom F-4 – Forest Science Explorers with George the Farmer and Expert Tech Forester Sarah Maddison

Lesson Overview:

Virtual Classroom GTF FL Logo

Join George the Farmer and expert drone operator and forester Sarah Maddison in the pine plantation forests of Mount Gambier, South Australia! The 30-minute recorded session is curriculum-linked for students in years F – 4. Our qualified teacher-facilitator from Kimberlin Education will provide plenty of interaction opportunities for your class, including quiz questions and Q&As with ABC TV’s George the Farmer!

LOG-in to learn about:

  • Where does wood and paper come from?
  • What do foresters do?
  • What is the lifecycle of trees and are they all the same?
  • Why is the sustainable management of forests important?





Sarah is based in Mount Gambier in South Australia and uses high tech in her job as a planning forester with One Forty One Plantations. She loves sustainable forests grown for the renewable resource of wood! She has combined her passions and flies drones (unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV)) to capture images and to collect a lot of forest data help her to manage forest health and growth. She works with foresters and the forest planning team to keep her forests healthy and sustainable. Sarah loves sharing her passion for tech and forestry with younger generations.
GTF graphic George the Farmer’s vision is a world where kids connect to the earth, food and farm. Based in regional SA, the George the Farmer team create fun picture storybooks about agriculture, music and paddock-to-product videos that can be viewed on YouTube and ABC iView. Curriculum-aligned educators guides for F-4 are also available via their website.

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Online Learning
Virtual Classroom F-4 – Forest Science Explorers with George the Farmer and Expert Tech Forester Sarah Maddison

Forest Learning Survey