News & Events


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A Favourite Video on Wood Storing Carbon

29 March 2016

By far the best animated video on that explains how wood stores carbon is ‘Wood as a Renewable and Energy Efficient Resource’ . The video is a great animation that tells the story about forests and wood storing carbon in the Australian context. Not only is it relevant...


Happy International Day of the Forests

22 March 2016

We hope you all had a lovely International Day of the Forests. We would love to see any pictures of activities undertaken to celebrate, and if the date slipped by without celebration, perhaps take some time next term. The United Nations have agreed to promote International Day of the Forests on the...


Ocean Forest Lutheran School visit Wespine in WA

22 March 2016

Teachers and support staff were involved in a professional development tour last week that showcased some fantastic opportunities and information available to assist with educating students about the forest, biodiversity of native plants and animals, fire, plantation harvesting and forest...


Teaching children the value of sustainably managed forests

22 March 2016

VicForests visited Gladysdale Primary School this week, to help them celebrate International Forest Day.VicForests provided each student at Gladysdale primary school with a eucalypt seedling in celebration of International Day of Forests and to teach them about sustainable forest...


World Renowned Forestry Educator Speaking at Conference in May

22 March 2016

Rick Zenn will be kept busy at the 2016 Primary Industries Education Foundation of Australia conference on the 1-3 of May 2016 in Canberra.  Rick will deliver a talk, a workshop at the Arboretum and a 5 minute flash chat. The 40 minute address on Tuesday the 3rd of May at the conference is...