News & Events


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Forest Education Foundation (FEF) new website

04 April 2014

The Forest Education Foundation (FEF) (a not-for-profit educational institution staffed by qualified and experienced teachers) recently launched a new website that integrates its online presence with the educational experience on offer at the National Forest Learning Centre located in Hobart,...


The Forest Products Commission promotes sustainable forestry

01 April 2014

The 21st of March 2014, was World Forestry Day, also known as International Day of Forests, which is celebrated around the world to recognise how forests make an important contribution to our everyday lives, including for those communities that are dependent on forests. The WA Forestry Minister, Hon...


Local timber takes pride of place in Indigenous Garden at Coramba Public School

23 October 2013

Twelve four-metre long timber logs donated by Forestry Corporation of NSW are taking pride of place in Coramba Public School’s Indigenous Garden. Harvest Team Leader Justin Black said Forestry Corporation of NSW was proud to donate the locally- grown timber, which was carved by local woodworker Rob...


Bringing new perspective to forest education

16 October 2013

Detailed knowledge about the forest ecosystem, local wildlife and practical examples of modern forest management practices are some of the benefits working forest rangers bring to school excursion programs.   Forestry Corporation of NSW’s Senior Ranger Tim Liston said many students at...


Join the Recycling Revolution!

30 September 2013

Planet Ark will be running the Schools Recycle Right Challenge as part of National Recycling week. The challenge will be held from 21st October to 15th November and is a great way for students and teachers to learn by doing and having fun! Planet Ark provides free recycling activity guides, lesson...