News & Events


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ACARA addresses the PIEF Symposium

01 July 2013

On 6 June, ACARA was privileged to address the annual Primary Industries Education Foundation (PIEF) workshop in Canberra.   At the workshop, General Manager of Curriculum Dr Phil Lambert addressed an audience of representatives from the education, industry and government sectors...


Get Outside and Grow with Schools Tree Day

01 July 2013

The country's largest nature care and planting event for schools has just had a record year encouraging even more Australian children to Get Outside and Grow. Each year, over 2500 schools and 500 groups take part. You can take part any time of year. In 2013, Schools Tree Day on the 26th July and...


Timber Sleuth going strong

23 March 2013

Forestry Corporation of NSW’s new ipad app ‘Timber Sleuth’ has proven very popular with primary school children, with over 750 downloads in the first 6 weeks of its release.  ‘Timber Sleuth’ aims to raise awareness to children about timber products in and around the home, that may not...


University students experience forest learning

23 March 2013

Education students from UTAS were visited earlier this term by the Forest Education Foundation, who identified a number of ways in which our forests can be utilised as a learning pathway into the new Australian Curriculum. Groups from the Newnham Campus in Launceston and the Cradle Coast Campus...


Design and Technology resources available on ForestLearning

07 February 2013

Did you know there are a stack of Design and Technology resources available on ForestLearning?  Here are some of the highlights for you to use in your classroom. Foundation to Year 2 Timber Sleuth iPad application Years 3 and 4 Going Bush South Australia’s Pine tree...