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Trees on Farms - teaching students about the benefits of agroforestry
18 November 2021
Check out the engaging new "Sustainable Solutions on Farms" primary school Level 5/6 resources and recorded Virtual Classrom by the PIEFA Kids to Farms project, focusing on teaching children about the many productivity and environmental benefits associated with growing and managing trees on...
VIEWForestLearning Teacher packs
29 March 2021
Do you need inspiration, fast ideas and resources for your class and free handouts for your students? Order your free teacher pack by going to: and start seeing the wood for the trees. Since the ForestLearning teacher pack initiative commenced,...
VIEWForestLearning Teacher Tours for VET and Careers Coordinators - Leschenault Timber Industry Club, Bunbury, WA
25 March 2021
By Greg Meachem, Leschenault Timber Industry Club During October and November 2020 the Leschenault Timber Industry Club, in conjunction with the Forest Industries Federation (FIFWA) and School of Isolated & Distance Education (SIDE) hosted 46 Vocational Education and Training career advisors from...
VIEWTeaching resources going 100% online for easier home learning
28 May 2020
ForestLearning is responding to teacher calls to go further online by converting more of our existing YouTube multimedia education videos and associated pdf worksheets into online Kahoot! quizzes using the popular Kahoot! teaching tool. This development will save the need...
VIEWForester Time links Classrooms with Foresters around the country
02 December 2020
Forster Gavin Livingston UAV operator Sarah Maddison More than 1700 primary and secondary students from every state and territory in Australia registered to be a part of ForestLearning and PIEFA's live and online Forester Time 2020 webinars for National Ag Day. Forester Time...